Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships - Stem Teaching
Website: Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship seeks to attract talented, committed individuals with backgrounds in the STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics—into teaching in high-need secondary schools in Pennsylvania. The Fellowship has also prepared over a thousand teachers in Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, and Ohio. Eligible applicants include current undergraduates, recent college graduates, midcareer professionals, and retirees who have majored in, or have extensively studied, one or more of the STEM fields.
The Fellowship also works to change the way top teachers are prepared, partnering with colleges and universities that have agreed to provide Fellows with innovative, year-long classroom experiences, rigorous academic work, and ongoing mentoring.
The Fellowship is open to college seniors, graduates, and career changers who:
- have majored in and/or have 30 or more college-level credits in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, or math);
- demonstrate a commitment to the program and its goals;
- have U.S. citizenship or permanent residency;
- have attained, or expect to attain by June 30th of the year you apply, a bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university or its international equivalent (Note: Undergraduate degrees earned outside the U.S. are accepted if an approved credential evaluator declares the degree equivalent to an earned U.S. bachelor’s degree.);
- a cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale is preferred (Note: Candidates who can demonstrate excellence through other avenues will also be considered. All applications are considered in their entirety and selection is based on merit.)
Questions about your eligibility? Email Anna Gallos, Program Assistant for Fellow Selection (gallos@woodrow.org).
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
Applications will only be accepted online and through the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation: https://woodrow.org/fellowships/ww-teaching-fellowships/info/ww-teaching-fellowships-application/
The Teaching Fellowship application has been aligned with graduate admission requirements and will be reviewed at all participating universities. You do not need to apply separately or submit any supporting documentation to a partner university.
There is no application fee to apply to the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship program.
Founded in 1945, the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation identifies and develops leaders and institutions to meet the nation’s critical challenges. The Woodrow Wilson Fellowships responded to a shortage of college faculty at the conclusion of World War II by offering talented students the opportunity to attend doctoral programs and begin college teaching careers. As college enrollments swelled in the latter half of the 20th century, the Woodrow Wilson program prepared generations of faculty, creating a well-known fellowship and becoming a hallmark of academic excellence.
The Foundation’s current signature program, the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship, aims to help close the pervasive achievement gap between Americans, by race and income. Using the prestige of the historic Woodrow Wilson Fellowships and harnessing new resources, the Foundation recruits exceptionally able individuals—recent college graduates as well as experienced professionals—to careers in secondary-level teaching. The universities where they enroll in master’s-level teacher preparation programs are selected for their willingness to change how teachers are prepared, providing Fellows intensive classroom experience with a focus on teaching in low-income communities and high-need schools.
Through this work, the Foundation seeks to dignify the teaching profession, encourage the most outstanding students to choose teaching as a career, and improve the quality of teacher education programs.
Contact Information
Questions about your eligibility? Email Anna Gallos, Program Assistant for Fellow Selection (gallos@woodrow.org).
If you run into any technical issues with the Fellowship application, please email: tech-help@citizensandscholars.org