Washington Council of the Blind Scholarship Program
Website: WCB Scholarship Program
By providing financial support to selected blind and visually impaired Washington residents, the Washington Council of the Blind…
- supports their personal growth and realization of educational goals
- increases the visibility of blind and visually impaired students on campuses
- and promotes the development of future leaders in our communities.
The Washington Council of the Blind awards scholarships to blind college or vocational/technical school students who are residents of Washington State.
To be considered for a scholarship, applicants must satisfy all of the following eligibility requirements:
- the applicant must be legally blind in both eyes. Legal blindness is defined as an individual who has a visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the corrected eye and/or 20° or less visual field in the corrected eye,
- The applicant must be enrolled or have been accepted to enroll in an accredited vocational school, college or university located in the United States.
- The applicant must be a resident of Washington State. A resident of Washington State is an individual who has physically resided in the state of Washington for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months at the time of application.
First consideration will be given to those applicants who have not previously received a WCB scholarship. However, all legally blind Washington state residents admitted to an academic or vocational training program for the following academic year are encouraged to apply. Before receiving a scholarship, recipients must provide proof of registration for the following academic year.
- freshman
- sophomore
- junior
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
- Undocumented
Applicants must complete an online application form. All applications must be received by 11:59 P.M. on the deadline day. All application fields must be completed and supporting documents must be submitted in order for an application to be considered. If an item is not applicable, insert “N/A” in each field that does not apply to you. Applicants are responsible for submitting complete application packets online.
Supporting documents that you will be required to submit along with your application are as follows.
1. Proof of Registration to the college, university or vocational school that you will be attending for the next academic year.
2. You will need to submit two (2) Letters of recommendation from a current or recent instructor, career counselor or employer.
3. Please provide transcripts from the last school you attended. Transcripts do not need to be official, and can be copies of the original.
4. You will need to provide proof of legal blindness by your ophthalmologist, optometrist, physician, or other qualified individual. This certification must include the name and title of the person certifying the legal blindness, their address, phone number, and a statement regarding the visual acuity and or visual field of each eye. This letter must be as current as possible. Optionally, the Scholarship program has an Eye Report that you can have your Eye Care Professional complete that is simple and quick. Please send Kim L. Moberg an email at awardscholarship123@gmail.com and the form will be sent to you.
5. Personal Essay: If you have applied in the past, please submit a new up-to-date essay. Please send a one thousand word essay stating your reasons for applying for this scholarship and how it will assist you to achieve your goals. Include a brief description of your background, education and work experience, and your personal goals for the next five to ten years. Also include relevant information such as awards and honors, activities, community service, hobbies, and interests, that will help the Scholarship committee learn more about you. If you have received a WCB scholarship in the past, please describe how you were able to use the funds to improve your educational experience.
All documents must be in Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Rich Text (RTF) format. You will need to email your documents to Kim L. Moberg Scholarship Committee Chair, at awardscholarship123@gmail.com