Stroum Center Opportunity Grants
Website: Stroum Center for Jewish Studies
The Stroum Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington offers Opportunity Grants.
Opportunity Grants are separately offered in two cycles: grants for Winter/Spring experiences and grants for Summer/Autumn experiences. The amount per grant is up to $1500. Multiple grants are available.
For undergraduate students, the primary goal of the Stroum Center Opportunity Grants is to support undergraduate experiences with Jewish Studies through UW-approved study abroad experiences. Priority is given to candidates studying a language of historical or contemporary importance to Jewish Studies. Accredited academic opportunities in the United States, particularly around language learning, will also be considered (e.g., Middlebury Language Schools). Students may also apply funding towards MODHEB 105: Intensive Elementary Modern Hebrew, taught at UW during the summer full-term.
For graduate students, Stroum Center Opportunity Grants help support research, conference attendance, and further study in topics related to Jewish Studies. This research and study can be done domestically or abroad.
Learn more about funding opportunities at the Stroum Center:
- Students from all UW departments, disciplines and backgrounds are encouraged to apply; candidates do not need to be Jewish Studies majors or minors.
- Preference is given to students who intend to study a language related to the Jewish experience (e.g., Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino) and/or have pursued coursework in Jewish Studies during their graduate or undergraduate careers at the University of Washington.
- Any undergraduate or graduate student planning to be enrolled at the University of Washington for the current academic year is eligible to apply.
- Students do not need to be registered with the University during summertime experiences, as long as they will register for classes normally in the autumn.
- Preference given to opportunities that take place during the application cycle for which the candidate applies.
- freshman
- sophomore
- junior
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
- International or Other Visa Status
- Undocumented
Applicants requesting funding should submit via secure Google form (links provided below):
- Basic information, including full name; campus mailing address; home mailing address; phone number; email address; UW Net ID; and UW student ID number.
- A current resume or CV.
- A University of Washington transcript (unofficial transcripts are accepted).
- A one page essay briefly describing the experience the candidate will participate in (including a hyperlink to the program’s website) and indicating how the experience connects to Jewish Studies and supports the candidate’s academic goals.
- A budget indicating the amount of funding requested (up to $1500), outlining the costs of the experience, and indicating how the Opportunity Grant will help to financially support the experience.
- Where applicable, proof of acceptance to the program. Proof of UW Study Abroad approval, UW independent research approval from UW Study Abroad, or approval from your academic department is acceptable.
Service Agreement
If awarded funding, Opportunity Grant winners will be required to:
- Attend a session led by Stroum Center staff at which best practices for blog writing will be discussed.
- Write a blog post (500-1000 words) describing a connection between the experience and Jewish Studies for publication on and promotion on social media. Students are encouraged to take photographs for inclusion in their online piece. The Stroum Center will offer consultation and editorial input on the development of this piece.
- Attend or help staff at least one Stroum Center for Jewish Studies event on campus during the quarter following the experience.
- Write a thank you note, as applicable, to Opportunity Grant funders.
It is also expected that all Opportunity Grant winners will serve as ambassadors for the grant and will be available to speak with other potential candidates.
Contact Information
Jewish Studies Travel Grant Program
Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
Box 353650
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3650
Please direct any questions to Lauren Kurland, Student Engagement Director.