Jackie Robinson Foundation's Scholarship Program
Website: Jackie Robinson
JRF Scholars receive college scholarships of up to $35,000 over four years and are financially sponsoJRF Scholars receive college scholarships of up to $35,000 over four years and are financially sponsored to attend JRF‘s annual, four-day “Mentoring and Leadership Conference“ in New York City and other events throughout the year. Aside from generous financial support, Scholars benefit from a comprehensive, four-year program that includes career guidance, internship and permanent job placement, travel abroad, and leadership and practical life skills training.red to attend JRF‘s annual, four-day “Mentoring and Leadership Conference“ in New York City and other events throughout the year. Aside from generous financial support, Scholars benefit from a comprehensive, four-year program that includes career guidance, internship and permanent job placement, travel abroad, and leadership and practical life skills training.
To be eligible for a Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must:
- Be a graduating, minority high school senior
- Be a United States citizen
- Present evidence of financial need
- Demonstrate a record of academic excellence
- Demonstrate leadership potential and a dedication to community service
- Plan to attend an accredited and approved 4-year college within the United States or affiliated with a United States-based college or university
- Have not accrued more than 25% of credits needed to graduate from college.
- freshman
- US Citizen
The online Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship application includes:
- One recommendation
- Demographics
- High school information including an unofficial high school transcript
- College plans
- Test scores (AP, IB, PSAT, ACT, or SAT) optional
- Activities and distinctions
- Household information
- Four essays
Established in 1973 by Rachel Robinson to perpetuate the memory of her husband, the Jackie Robinson Foundation is a public, nonprofit organization that administers one of the nation’s premier scholarship and leadership development programs for talented college students. With the opening in 2022 of the Jackie Robinson Museum in New York City, JRF will educate and inspire the general public around the ideals embodied in the life of its namesake.
Service Agreement
JRF Scholars are required to participate in community service as part of their scholarship. Each Scholar must document these projects and keep them on file with JRF. Through these efforts, JRF Scholars impact thousands of lives and gain valuable skills and experiences in the process. Whether it is starting a non–profit to provide college preparatory training for low-income students, building houses in Third World regions, researching the AIDS epidemic or reading to local students, JRF Scholars are ambassadors of Jackie's philosophy that, "A life is not important except in its impact on other lives."
Contact Information
New York National Headquarters
One Hudson Square
75 Varick Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013-1917
tel: (212) 290-8600
fax: (212) 290-8081
Email: general@jackierobinson.org
Los Angeles Office
550 South Hope Street,Suite 2300
Los Angeles, CA 90071
tel: (213) 330-7726
fax: (213) 330-7701
Email-Western Region: jrfwest@jackierobinson.org