Puget Sound Anglers, Fidalgo Chapter
Website: Puget Sound Anglers Fidalgo Chapter
The Fidalgo San Juan Island Chapter of The Puget Sound Anglers Club is pleased to offer annual grant and scholarship opportunities to qualifying college undergraduate and graduate students.
As a Pacific Northwest sport fishing Organization, we support undergraduate or graduate research on recreationally important fish species or groups in order to maintain and protect our region’s resources for this and future generations of sportsmen. Our emphasis is on the ecology, recovery and management of west coast finfish, with particular attention to salmonids and other select marine species.
We are looking for outstanding undergraduate or graduate applicants, enrolled on a substantially full-time basis and pursuing a major field of study closely related to Fisheries Biology or Fisheries Management. Preference will be given to students who have exhausted previous funding and/or have completed a rough draft of their thesis and may complete it within one year, and/or are specifically researching salmonids or Pacific Northwest marine finfish. Individual awards have ranged from $1,000 to $10,000 dependent upon requirements and qualifications.
Outstanding undergraduate or graduate applicants, enrolled on a substantially full-time basis and pursuing a major field of study closely related to Fisheries Biology or Fisheries Management. Preference will be given to students who have exhausted previous funding and/or have completed a rough draft of their thesis and may complete it within one year, and/or are specifically researching salmonids or Pacific Northwest marine finfish.
- freshman
- sophomore
- junior
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
- International or Other Visa Status
- Undocumented
To receive full consideration each applicant must provide the following:
(A) Personal statement: a brief narrative about the student, educational progress, career goals and interest in fisheries.
(B) Research proposal: non-technical summary describing the research and its significance, including budget, current funding and timeline. A video essay is acceptable
(C) Resume
(D) College transcript including GPA
(E) Letters of recommendation (up to three), including a letter of nomination from the student’s major professor.
Applications will be evaluated for overall quality, significance, novelty and relevance to Pacific Northwest recreational fisheries, as well as level of current funding and progress within the student’s educational program.
Please mail application materials to:
P.O. BOX 647
All grant applications must be postmarked no later than May 1.
These scholarships are being funded through the generosity of club members and the Anacortes Salmon Derby.
Contact Information
For more information please contact Steve Hahn at nwtsuribaka@gmail.com