American Physiological Society Porter Physiology Development Award
Website: APS
The goal of the Porter Physiology Development Program is to encourage diversity among students pursuing full-time studies toward the Ph.D. (or D.Sc.) in the physiological sciences and to encourage their participation in the American Physiological Society.
The Porter Physiology Development Program provides 1-2 year full-time graduate fellowships in programs leading to the Ph.D. (or D.Sc.) in the physiological sciences at U.S. institutions. The program is open to underrepresented ethnic minority applicants who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its territories and student members of the Society.
The fellowship provides
- An annual stipend equivalent to NIH predoctoral stipend levels. The stipend level is adjusted on an annual basis. See yearly application information in Resources below for updated information.
- Online professional development activities on networking skills and career development.
- Opportunities for K-12 outreach and other professional service.
- The graduate student must be a member of APS in good standing at the time of application
- The applicant's advisor/PI must also be a member of APS in good standing at the time of application
- The program is open to graduate students from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups
- Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its territories
Please note: The American Physiological Society’s awards and programs specific to underrepresented minority and diverse groups has governing criteria defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH defines underrepresented minority group status in the institutes Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity, which can be found here. Additional underrepresented minority group definitions can be found on the National Institutes of Health Diversity of Extramural Programs webpage.
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
Applications are only accepted via online submission.
Applicant qualifications will be reviewed by the members of the Porter Physiology Development and Minority Physiologists Committee, which serves as the panel of researchers working as the selection committee. Awards will be made on the basis of the applicant’s potential for success (including academic record, statement of interest, previous awards and experiences, recommendation letters), applicant’s proposed training environment (including quality of preceptor), and applicant’s research/training plan (clarity and quality).
Applications should provide sufficient information for the reviewer to assess focus and breadth of the research proposed and its applicability to the physiological sciences. Applicants must provide information on/documentation of their training in: responsible conduct of research, human subjects use, and care and use of vertebrate animals in research, as appropriate.
Service Agreement
A complete description of progress by the fellow, a current academic transcript, and a letter from the advisor (or institutional representative) certifying that the fellow is making satisfactory progress will be required in March following the initiation of the fellowship year.
Contact Information
Marsha Lakes Matyas, Ph.D.
APS Director of Education Programs
Brooke Bruthers
APS Diversity Programs Coordinator