Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship Fund for research in Africa
Website: JSIS African Studies Program
The Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship fund was established to honor the contributions of Professors Simon Ottenberg and Edgar V. Winans to the African Studies Program at the University of Washington as well as to recognize their contributions of the field of African Studies. During their distinguished careers, Professors Ottenberg and Winans taught and mentored numerous students and made important contributions to scholarship on Africa.
The fellowship honors these contributions by supporting University of Washington undergraduate and graduate student research in Africa and by supporting students from universities in Africa who attend University of Washington as part of various exchange programs.
Eligible students may be enrolled in any undergraduate, graduate or professional school at the University of Washington. For UW students traveling to Africa, the fellowship can be used to support travel and related expenses, living expenses, and research materials. For African students visiting or studying at UW, funds can be used to support same expenses as well as costs related to attending the UW. Fellowships are expected to be awarded for amounts between $250 and $750.
- freshman
- sophomore
- junior
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
- International or Other Visa Status
Apply online at
- Most current resume or CV
- An ‘unofficial’ UW transcript
- A statement of purpose of not more than two single-spaced pages in which you describe a) the nature and purpose of the research project you are proposing; b) the relevance of the project for the field of African studies; c) the institutional support you have for the project; d) your qualifications for the project, including the project’s significance to your academic career goals and past experience that prepares you for this project e) timeline for travel and completion of project
- One letter of reference from an academic advisor who will support your in supervising the project, emailed directly to
Awarded students will be asked to submit a photo and a short description of the project to be featured on our African Studies website.
Contact Information
Questions about the fellowship or the application process should be directed to
African Studies Program
419 Thomson Hall
Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington