National Institutes of Health (NIH)-Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program

Website: NIH Oxford Cambridge Scholarship Program


The National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program is an accelerated, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding science students committed to biomedical research careers. The program is based on the British system, in which students perform doctoral research without required formal courses other than those students choose to take in relationship to their own interests. Students selected for admission to the program have already developed a passion for science through engagement in summer, job related, or undergraduate research programs.


The key components to the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program are:

  • The Student

    • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
    • Will receive tuition and stipend support, based on NIH policy, for the duration of the program
      (approximately 4 yrs.)
    • Can partner with other scholarship programs
  • The Doctoral Research

    • Self derived and self driven
    • In any area of biomedical research
    • Conducted in both the NIH and U.K. laboratories (time split evenly between both)
    • Has no formal coursework required
      • Courses available if necessary
  • Two Mentors

    • Form a dual collaborative mentorship
      • One mentor at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) intramural campus, Bethesda, MD
      • One mentor at either the University of Oxford OR the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom
  • One Degree

    • Earn a DPhil or PhD from Oxford or Cambridge respectively
    • Average time to completion is just over 4 years (approximately 2 years at each location)
      • Faster than the average PhD program in the U.S.
Student Type
  • senior
  • graduate
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident

How To Apply

How to Apply for 2020 Consideration

Application Due Date, Fee, and Interview Dates

  • Application portal will open on August 3, 2020 and closes December 1, 2020
  • To apply to the program see the link here:
  • We highly recommend prospective students read the FAQ's prior to submitting an application.
  • There is no application fee for the GPP application. University partners may have an application fee.
  • Interviews for the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program will be held in February 2020. You must attend all three days.
  • The program will cover your transportation and lodging costs during interviews.

Applications Required for Admissions Consideration and University Choice

Only the NIH GPP application is required for admission consideration to the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program:

  1. Create your account and select “Apply Now.”
  3. Under Partnership Selection:

             a. NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program applicants select: University of Oxford (England)/University of Cambridge (England)/NIH - PhD

             b. MD/PhD Track 1 applicants select: University of Oxford (England) / University of Cambridge (England) / Consortia of Universities - NIH - MD/PhD - Track-1

             c. MD/PhD Track 2 applicants select: University of Oxford (England)/University of Cambridge (England)/NIH - MD/PHD - Track 2

Application Components


  • “Research Interests” briefly list:
    • Field(s) of research you are interested in (e.g. neuroscience, imaging, immunology, biostatistics)
  •  “Research Experience” include:
    • Research project title and goal
    • Research internships
    • Independent undergraduate research
    • Major accomplishments and findings
    • Research techniques learned
  • “Publications and Presentations” include:
    • Papers with author list and citation
    • Thesis, abstracts, meetings, etc.
  • “Awards & Honors” include:
    • Undergraduate awards and recognitions
    • Dean’s list
    • Research fellowships
    • Community citations
  • “Extracurricular Activities” include:
    • Leadership roles
    • Memberships in professional associations

Additional Information:

  • GRE is not required and will not be considered. 
  • MCAT scores are required for MD/PHD only.
  • List any scholarships (Marshall, Rhodes, Gates-Cambridge, NIH Cambridge Trust, Churchill, Fulbright, etc.) that you are in the process of applying for or have already submitted an application to.
  • List potential mentors at the NIH and Oxford and/or Cambridge whose research you are interested in. You can search for NIH faculty members on the individual NIH institute web sites, which can be found through the NIH Intramural Research Program site.

Letters of Recommendation:

  • Requests for letters of recommendation will be sent as soon as the contact information is entered for the individuals you indicate and the application is saved.
    • You do not need to submit your application in order for these requests to be sent.
  • Letters are due by December 3, 2020.
  • Letters must be written and dated within the last 12 months.
  • Only letters uploaded to the on-line application site will be accepted.

Optional: External Funding Opportunities

Contact Information

If you are interested in learning more about the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program (OxCam), you may start by contacting the Directors in the NIH OxCam Office. See list of contacts.