Institution of Mechanical Engineers Scholarships and Awards

Website: IMECHE


IMechE annually supports the educational and development needs of today's students, graduates, and members to the sum of £400,000. Prizes and Awards range from Undergraduate Awards which include scholarships to encourage young engineers to study mechanical engineering to the Prestigious Awards to recognize the achievements of eminent mechanical engineers.

The Prizes and Awards are funded from the IMechE Trust Funds which comprise the legacies to the Institution under the wills of late members and sums of money allocated or donated to the Institution for specific purposes under Deeds of Trust.


There are numerous Awards and Scholarships on the website. Applications considered throughout the year. To learn more information about a specific award or scholarship, click on this link:


Varies depending on award. See the IMechE website for more information.
Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
  • graduate
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • International or Other Visa Status
  • Undocumented
Varies depending on award. See the IMechE website for more information.
Contact Information

Telephone: +44 (0) 128 471 7887