Herbold Fellowship
Website: College of Engineering
The Herbold Fellowship supports master's and early-career doctoral graduate students in the College of Engineering who are engaged in study or research with a focus in data science and computation.
This fellowship is intended for College of Engineering graduate students who, during the award period (next academic year), will be enrolled in a master's program OR will be in the first years of a doctoral program. Doctoral students should be completing coursework during the award period and should not have completed their general exam; students can complete the general exam in spring quarter of the award and be eligible to receive the fellowship.
To be eligible to apply for this fellowship, students must:
- be admitted to or currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral* program in the College of Engineering
- demonstrate academic merit as evidenced by a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 on each of their transcript(s) from UW (only applicable for continuing UW students) and a previous degree (bachelor's or master's).
* Eligible doctoral students should be completing coursework during the award period. In general, fellowship applicants should not have completed their first degree progress milestone (i.e., qualifying exam). Students can complete their qualifying exam during the award period and be eligible to receive the fellowship.
To be eligible to be awarded this fellowship, students must maintain full-time enrollment (minimum of 10 credits) and maintain a quarterly GPA of 3.50 in autumn, winter, and spring quarters during the next academic year in a graduate degree program in any department in the College of Engineering.
Both domestic and international students are eligible. Underrepresented students are encouraged to apply.
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
- International or Other Visa Status
- Undocumented
During the application cycle, the link to the application is available at https://www.engr.washington.edu/current/deans_scholarships.
Applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
1) Academic record demonstrated in previous degree and (if applicable) UW courses
2) Thoughtfulness and thoroughness in responses to prompts regarding interest and engagement in the area of data science:
2a) Response 1: Your explanation of one or more examples of how your previous experiences led to your current interest in data science
2b) Response 2: Your plan to integrate your interest in data science into your UW degree in one or more ways
2c) Response 3: Your description of how receiving this fellowship will help you attain your educational and professional goals, including those related to your data science interest
Contact Information
For questions, contact Sarah Pauling, spauling@uw.edu.