Foster School of Business Freshman Direct Admit Scholarship Program

Website: Foster School of Business


UW's Foster School of Business offers many scholarships available to undergraduates. Types of scholarships include:

  • Need: The majority of scholarships consider a student’s merit and financial need in determining eligibility for awards. You must be eligible for Financial Aid and have submitted a FAFSA or WASFA to be considered for these awards.
  • Educational Opportunity Program (EOP): There are a number of scholarships that take into consideration affiliation with the UW Educational Opportunity Program. If you are not affiliated, contact the EOP Counseling Center in Mary Gates Hall 133 or at 206.543.7132.
  • Merit: There are limited scholarships that are awarded based on academic merit with no requirement for financial need. In some cases international students who have been admitted to the Foster School are eligible for these merit scholarships.

All Freshman Direct admits will automatically be considered for all Freshman Direct Scholarships available. Only students admitted to UW and the Foster Freshman Direct Program will be eligible to receive Foster specific scholarships.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Students must have chosen “Business” as their first major choice on the UW application for freshman admissions to be considered. No further application is needed.
Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • International or Other Visa Status
  • Undocumented

Submit the UW freshman application by November 15th.

Students selected for Foster scholarships will be notified during mid-March after Freshman Direct Invitations have been sent out.

Student must accept award and commit to UW by May 1

Contact Information
