Chips Quinn Scholar Program for Diversity in Journalism

Website: Chips Quinn Scholars


Scholars are accepted into the program by nomination from journalism faculty and campus media advisers, editors of newspapers or leaders of minority journalism associations. Students also may apply directly to the program, with letters of endorsement from editors or educators. College juniors, seniors or graduates with journalism majors or career goals in newspapers are eligible.


Applicant must be committed to pursuing a career in journalism

  1. Applicant must be a college junior, senior, recent graduate or graduate student. (Sophomores may apply – but first consideration will be given to upper-classmen.)
  2. Applicant must be able to attend the seven-day, all-expenses-paid training (May 11-17, 2020) in Nashville, Tenn.
  3. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident
  4. In most cases, applicants must have a car for the internship
Student Type
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
  • graduate
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident

The following constitutes a completed application:

- A completed online application

- A color headshot photo

- A resume

- A college transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable)

- Two letters of recommendation. Persons recommending must be familiar with the applicant’s work and personal characteristics. Letters of recommendation should be submitted on official letterhead and should include the contact information of the person providing it. Letters of recommendation may be submitted via e-mail to or mailed to the address below.

- An essay (200-400 words) on why you want to be a journalist/Chips Quinn Scholar

- Journalistic work samples:

Reporters and copy editors should submit copies of (or links to) 6 to 8 published articles. If one does not have published work, class assignments will be accepted as writing samples but must be typed.

Photographers should provide a portfolio of 15 - 25 photos (in jpeg format) through a link to a website. Portfolios should include captions. Do not put images into any viewing program or slideshow format.

Multimedia journalists and graphic designers should submit 6 - 10 of their work samples through a link to a website.

Broadcast students should submit links to their work or link to website.


More than 1,300 men and women have been named Chips Quinn Scholars since 1991, making it the largest and most enduring diversity initiative of the Newseum Institute.

Contact Information

Karen Catone
Program Director
Chips Quinn Scholars Program
Freedom Forum
555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 292-6271