American Society of Agronomy Awards & Scholarships

Website: ASA


ASA offers both graduate and undergraduate scholarships which recognizes students’ academic achievements and leadership.  Each year, we honor our award recipients at our Annual Meeting awards ceremonies, within our Hall of Fame display, and in CSA News.  Each year there are several opportunities open to undergraduate students. Learn more about the opportunities, eligibility and requirements online at

Agronomy looks at agriculture from an integrated, holistic perspective. Agronomists are specialists in crop and soil science, as well as ecology. Some things they look at are:

  1. The properties of the soil;
  2. How the soil interacts with the growing crop;
  3. What nutrients (fertilizers) the crop needs;
  4. When and how to apply these nutrients;
  5. The ways that crops grow and develop;
  6. How climate and other environmental factors affect the crop at all stages;
  7. How best to control weeds, insects, fungi, and other crop pests; and,
  8. How to grow crops effectively and profitably while conserving and protecting the environment.

Each award has specific eligibility notes. Read eligibility carefully. 

Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • International or Other Visa Status


  1. Letter of Interest: Provide a letter of interest that includes identifying the activity the recipient will pursue, including location, brief description, activity dates, and the cost of travel expenses between the applicant's home base and the scholarship experience site.
  2. Resume: Provide a resume that includes major, year in school, and cumulative grade point average.
  3. Current School and Department Name
  4. SASES Club Membership Information: List the name of your SASES Club and years of membership, if applicable
Contact Information

For help with awards, visit the Help page, or contact Member Services at 608-273-8080 or email