AAUW Community Action Grants
Website: AAUW
Community Action Grants provide funding to individuals, AAUW branches and AAUW state organizations as well as community-based nonprofits for innovative programs that promote education and equity through projects focused on encouraging girls to select, before entering college, the physical sciences or engineering as a career. Since 1972, AAUW has provided support to hundreds of communities across the United States.
The panel meets once a year to review applications for funding. Awards are based on the criteria outlined here. The panel’s recommendations are subject to final approval by AAUW. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis according to funds available in a given fiscal year.
To ensure a fair review process, AAUW does not comment on the deliberations of the awards panels. AAUW does not provide written or oral evaluations of applicants. No provisions exist for reconsideration of grant proposals. Applications and supporting documents become the sole property of AAUW and will not be returned or held for another year.
The following criteria apply to the selection of Community Action Grants:
- Applicants must be individuals, AAUW branches, AAUW state organizations or local community-based nonprofit organizations (including universities).
- The proposed activity must promote education and equity for women and girls.
- Nonprofit organizations and universities must be based in the United States or its territories.
- Organizations (including universities) must have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. AAUW branch and state applicants must have 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) tax-exempt status.
- Proposals from AAUW branches or states must be approved and signed by the branch or state president.
- Proposals from local community-based nonprofit organizations must be approved and signed by the organization’s executive director.
- Previous Community Action Grant awardees must wait three application cycles before applying for another grant and may not apply for duplicate funding.
- Members of the AAUW Board of Directors, committees, panels, task forces and staff, including current interns, are not eligible to apply for AAUW’s fellowships and grants. A person holding a current award is eligible for election or appointment to boards, committees, panels, and task forces.
- Relevance of the proposed project to the mission of AAUW and direct, positive impact on education and equity for women and girls.
- Strength of the project rationale — the project meets a demonstrable, documented local need
- Clarity and creativity of the project design — the project has (1) clear and specific outcomes and (2) is original and/or innovative in its approach to achieving those outcomes.
- Sustainability/impact of the project — the project (1) reaches underserved audiences, (2) builds connections with diverse individuals and organizations, (3) has potential for AAUW branch or state involvement/visibility, (4) has potential for long-term impact, and (5) has potential for long-term sustainability beyond the grant period.
- Feasibility of the project — (1) proposed activities will logically lead to desired outcomes/achievement of goals, (2) the project time frame is realistic, (3) the budget is adequate and expenses are justified in the budget narrative, (4) there is adequate support from collaborative organizations and community partners, (5) the project director is qualified to direct the project, and if an AAUW branch, AAUW state, or nonprofit applicant, the organization has the capacity to carry out the project.
- Strength of the evaluation plan — (1) specific evaluation methods are proposed to measure short-term, medium-term, and long-term results, (2) proposed evaluation methods are logical measures of projected outcomes, and (3) resources are adequate to support the proposed methods
- Strength of the dissemination plan — (1) specific dissemination methods are identified, (2) a realistic plan is provided to implement the dissemination, and (3) resources are adequate to support proposed dissemination.
- Overall quality of the proposal — the proposal is clear and convincing.
- Potential for and/or commitment of additional funds and involvement from community organizations and/or businesses.
- freshman
- sophomore
- junior
- senior
- graduate
- US Citizen
- Permanent Resident
Opens: August 1 every year
Deadline: December 1 every year
Start by clicking on the Apply Now button on the website to access the application and create an account through their vendor site. Complete all required components in the following areas.
Since the inauguration of the Research and Projects Fund in 1972, AAUW has provided support to hundreds of communities around the United States to advance education and equality for women and girls. Early projects focused on public interest issues, including women’s struggles to balance home and work life, the establishment of women’s resource centers on college campuses, and the emergence of women’s political involvement in the antinuclear movement.
As the program evolved and grew, AAUW explored ways to strengthen support through community involvement. Projects have become increasingly collaborative and girl-focused, bringing together AAUW branches and local community groups.
Service Agreement
AAUW regards the acceptance of a grant as a contract requiring fulfillment of the following terms:
- All grant recipients must sign a contract accepting the award. Retain these instructions, as they will become part of the grant contract if the applicant is awarded a grant.
- Grant awards are distributed in two equal payments, the first at the beginning of the grant period and the second at the midpoint.
- The Community Action Grant project director must be in an active leadership role, controlling programmatic, fiscal, and editorial responsibility for the project.
- The project director cannot be paid with Community Action Grant funds for work on the project and the project director’s employer cannot be reimbursed.
- Projects may be awarded only once. Former Community Action Grantees may propose new activities for future grants after waiting three application cycles but cannot reapply for the same project for which they received funding in the past.
- If eligible, an applicant may apply to more than one AAUW grant or fellowship program simultaneously. If awarded in more than one program, the applicant may accept only one award.
- Grant projects may not seek to influence new or pending legislation or favor a particular political candidate or party.
- Grant projects must be nonsectarian and may not seek to promote a particular religion or denomination.
- The determination of whether there is a tax obligation associated with the receipt of an AAUW award is the sole responsibility of the applicant. Specific questions regarding income tax matters should be addressed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the applicant’s financial aid office or a personal tax adviser. AAUW cannot provide tax advice. AAUW is a nonprofit, tax- exempt 501(c)(3) public charity founded for educational purposes. Thus all proposed Community Action Grant activities must correspond to that mission.
Contact Information
Where to Find Us
AAUW National Office
1111 Sixteenth St. NW
Washington, DC 20036
How to Reach Us
Phone: 202.785.7700
Fax: 202.872.1425
TDD: 202.785.7777
E-mail: connect@aauw.org
Customer Service
800.326.AAUW FREE (2289)
Monday-Friday, 10am to 5pm ET
For questions or technical support from ISTS, our technical consultant, please email aauw@applyists.com. Enter AAUW-CAG if the website prompts you for a program key. We encourage applicants not to opt out of communications from ISTS, to ensure you receive important communications from AAUW.