Indian Health Services Scholarship Programs

Website: Indian Health Services Scholarship Programs


The IHS Scholarship Program provides qualified American Indian and Alaska Native health professions students an opportunity to establish an educational foundation for each stage of your pre-professional careers.

The scholarship program provides financial support in exchange for a minimum two-year service commitment within an Indian health program in your chosen health professional discipline.


Preparatory scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate students. Recipients must be members or descendents of federally recognized, state-recognized or terminated Tribes enrolled in preparatory courses or prerequisite courses leading to enrollment in an eligible health professions degree program.

Pre-Graduate scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate students. Recipients must be members or descendents of federally recognized, state-recognized or terminated Tribes enrolled in courses leading to a bachelor's degree in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-podiatry and other subjects needed by the Indian health programs.

Health Professions scholarship provides financial aid to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate- and graduate-level students. Recipients must be members of federally recognized Tribes and enrolled in an eligible health profession degree program. In exchange for financial aid, scholarship recipients agree to fulfill a service commitment in full-time clinical practice upon completion of their academic or post-graduate clinical training.



Citizenship Requirements

Must be a United States citizen (US-born or naturalized). Males 18 years must be registered for Selective Service.

Documents that will be accepted as proof of citizenship include:

  • Copy of your birth certificate.
  • Current US passport.
  • Certificate of citizenship or naturalization.

A copy of a driver’s license or a social security card will not be accepted as documentation of citizenship.


Tribal/Village Membership Requirements

  • Preparatory and Pre-Graduate Scholarships: Recipients must be a member or descendant of a federally recognized, state-recognized or terminated American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native village.
  • Health Professions Scholarship: Recipients must be a member of a federally recognized American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native village only.

Academic Requirement

  • Be a high schoool student or the equivalent.
  • Have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
  • Be capable of completing a health profession degree program.
  • Intend to serve Indian people as a health profession in your chosen discipline.

Program Agree/Contract

Documents and more information can be found at:

Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
  • graduate
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen

Online application can be found on the website.

The IHS Scholarship Program awards scholarships based on a 100-point ranking system divided among three categories:

  • Academic Performance (40 points) — Performance is based on your official transcripts. A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is required.
  • Faculty/Employer Evaluations (30 points) — The evaluations assess your education and work achievements, interpersonal skills and overall potential and how those distinguishing qualities translate into a successful career as an Indian health professional.
  • Applicant Essays (30 points) — The essays provide you with an opportunity to explain the reason(s) you are applying for a scholarship, your career goals and how your career goals will help to meet the needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The essays weigh heavily toward your ranking and are based on how well they’re written and how well you express your career goals and desire to serve Native communities.

Your cumulative score is used to rank you against other applicants applying in the same degree program. Priority is given to applicants with the earliest projected graduation date.



Indian Health programs need dedicated health and allied health professionals to fill staffing needs - people like you who envision a career with a purpose and mission, and who are willing to commit to working in Indian communities where they can truly make a difference.

The mission of IHS is to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level. Because of the IHS scholarship program, many qualified health professionals are given the opportunity to pursue their career, as well as help their own communities.

Service Agreement

Only Health Professions Scholarship Program recipients incur a service obligation of one year for each year of scholarship support received (or the part-time equivalent) with a minimum service period of two years. After graduation, your active duty service obligation is fulfilled as designated by the Director of IHS in one of the following areas:

  • Indian Health Service (IHS)
  • A Tribal health program (contracted under the Indian Self-Determination Act [P.L. 93-638])
  • An Urban Indian health program (assisted under Title V — Health Services for Urban Indians, of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act [P.L. 94-437])
  • Private practice in a designated health professional shortage area addressing the health care needs of at least 51 percent of Indians in that area.

You can also elect to fulfill the service obligation in one of the above areas that is located on the reservation of the Tribe or serves the Tribe in which you are enrolled.

Assignment opportunities are reviewed with students and approved early in the final school year. The Director of IHS reserves the right to make final decisions regarding assignment of scholarship recipients to fulfill their service obligation.

Contact Information

Indian Health Service
Scholarship Program
5600 Fishers Lane
Mail Stop: OHR (11E53A)
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: (301) 443-6197
Fax: (301) 443-6048

A submission form for questions can also be found at: