Freedom from Religion Foundation Student Essay Contests

Website: Freedom from Religion Foundation


FFRF has four essay student essay contests — covering high school through graduate students — that offer the same scholarship prizes (see below). There are contests for college-bound high school seniors, ongoing college students, BIPOC students and graduate students (or students ages 25-30). Scroll to read topics, prompts, eligibility and other requirements for each of these essays. Our law school competition (scroll to end) has a different deadline and set of prizes.

First Place Prize: $3,500
Second Place Award: $3,000
Third Place Award: $2,500
Fourth Place Award: $2,000
Fifth Place Award: $1,500
Sixth Place Award: $1,000
Seventh Place Award: $750
Eighth Place Award: $500
Ninth Place Award: $400
Tenth Place Award: $300
Optional Honorable Mention(s): $200

All eligible entrants are offered a full one-year complimentary student membership, which includes a digital version of 10 issues of Freethought Today, FFRF's newspaper (publishes winning student essays), and a complimentary book or premium.


Please see eligibility details for each essay contest at

Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
  • junior
  • senior
  • graduate
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • International or Other Visa Status
  • Undocumented

 Please fill out online submission form and attach essay. The essay must be double-spaced, standard margins, font size of 11 to 14 point, and attached as a PDF. Your name and the name of your essay must be included on every page. Pages must be numbered. Indicate word length at end of the essay. Please choose your own title, do not use the topic of the essay as the title. Do not attach a resume with your essay. FFRF monitors for plagiarism and A.I. (e.g., ChatGPT, etc.). If an entry is found to involve either, it will be disqualified and FFRF will bar entrant from future FFRF essay competitions, or take other warranted action.

Service Agreement

By entering the competition, you agree to permit your name and winning essay to be printed in full or in part in "Freethought Today," FFRF's newspaper; announced in a news release, and posted online at FFRF's website. You also agree, if you win an award, to promptly provide FFRF with a photograph of yourself suitable for reproduction with your winning essay.

Contact Information

Freedom From Religion Foundation
PO Box 750
Madison WI 53701
FAX 608-204-0422

Contact form