Dorot Fellowship in Israel

Website: Dorot


Ability to deal with challenge

  • Has the candidate demonstrated a history of persistence, resilience, hard work, and accomplishment?
  • Has the candidate demonstrated a sense of openness and desire for personal/character development as well as a willingness to participate in personal exploration?

High measure of Emotional Intelligence

  • Does the candidate demonstrate a high level of self-awareness?
  • When reflecting on group experience, has the candidate demonstrated a high level of self-management and relationship management?

Social Change Agent with both the ability to and compulsion to exercise leadership

  • Does the candidate seem ready to make the best use of this opportunity?
  • Has the candidate shown initiative to challenge/change the status quo?
  • Does the candidate have a track record of taking action and using creativity to solve problems?

Eager to learn/grow

  • Does the candidate express an openness to, or a track record of, being influenced and to being challenged by both peers and educators?
  • Does the candidate have a track record of taking on positive risk?

Continuing availability to add value to and draw value from DFI community

  • Does the candidate possess a strong level of intelligence and depth of experience?
  • Does the candidate express themselves and reflect on their experiences with maturity?
  • Does the candidate have a track record of influencing others around them?
  • Does the candidate have life experiences and/or perspectives that are likely to add diversity to the DFI fellowship group?




The DFI values a variety of models of leadership (reform, innovation, and [cultural] creation) and seeks candidates who are active in conventional, as well as unconventional, forms of civic and Jewish engagement. 

The DFI seeks candidates who are committed to improving their capacity to exercise the leadership required to create new forms, and reinvigorate existing forms, of Jewish expression. Though a deep understanding of Judaism and Israel is critical for effective North American Jewish Leadership and indeed is a central goal of the Fellowship, the DFI is not best suited to those who are primarily seeking to explore their relationship to either. Those who are interested in primarily learning about Judaism and/or Israel should visit


The DFI is open to American/Canadian Jews between the ages of 22-29. (To be eligible, one must be 22, but not yet 30 prior to August 1.) Successful candidates exhibit the maturity and life experience to be able to make the best use of the Fellowship to refine, rather than construct, their individual identity. Please note that the DFI will not make exceptions to this or other eligibility requirements.


Non-American/Non-Canadian citizens may be eligible for the DFI -- with prior approval of the DFI Director. Candidates must be/have been residents of the US, having graduated from an American high school, and must intend to reside permanently in the US. Non-American/Non-Canadian citizens interested in receiving approval for application should contact


The DFI is designed for the future Jewish lay leader, one who has neither received nor intends to receive formal training in any other Jewish professional preparatory program (e.g., rabbinical school, Jewish communal service programs).


As the purpose of the Dorot Fellowship relates to the American Jewish landscape, candidates who do not intend to reside in North America are not eligible.


The Fellowship does not require that candidates have previous experience in Israel, knowledge of Hebrew, or a particular affiliation with any denomination or movement.

Student Type
  • graduate
Citizen Type

Please find application information and details at

Contact Information

If you would like to learn more about the application process, please contact DFI Associate Director Jacob Levkowicz. Please note that these conversations are purely informational and have no bearing on your candidacy.