American Institute of Architects--Southwest Washington Chapter Scholarships

Website: AIA Southwest Washington


SWW Architecture Education Scholarships

A joint program of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Southwest Washington Chapter and AIA National to aid students who plan to pursue architecture as a career and who have been accepted to a university with an accredited architectural degree program.

SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNT: One or more scholarships of $1,000 -$2,000 each will be awarded for the academic year. Scholarships are renewable at $500 or more yearly if students continue to demonstrate pursuit of an architectural degree. If no entry is deemed satisfactory, AIA SWW retains the right to not award a scholarship.


SWW Architecture Education Scholarships

Scholarships are offered to graduating high school seniors attending a high school in Pierce, Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, Skamania, Wahkiakum or Grays Harbor Counties in Washington State. Scholarships will also be considered for students who graduated from a high school from the above counties and who has been accepted as a first year student into a university with an accredited architectural degree program. 

Student Type
  • freshman
  • sophomore
Citizen Type
  • US Citizen
  • Permanent Resident
  • Undocumented

SWW Architecture Education Scholarships

Submittal requirements:

  1. Current high school or college transcript.
  2. Acceptance letter into an accredited architectural program.
  3. Resume, including non-academic achievements and interests.
  4. Letters of recommendations (two minimum) from teachers, professors and/or counselors.
  5. An essay of not more than 250 words describing why you’ve chosen to pursue a career in architecture and what you wish to accomplish.
  6. Portfolio of artwork, photographs or other work that helps to illustrate talent. (This material will be returned if a self-addressed pre-paid envelope is provided. This material may be reproduced by AIA SWW and published in the AIA newsletter and/or website. An electronic submission is also acceptable.)
  7. A photo of yourself suitable for publishing on the local and national website. Photo will be used only if a scholarship is awarded. Submittal of photograph indicates permission to publish.
  8. Complete contact information including address, phone and email address.

Submittal materials to be postmarked or submitted by email no later than May.

Mail to AIASWW, 708 Broadway, Suite 100B, Tacoma, WA 98402 or email to

Service Agreement

A press release will be sent to local media and the students' schools announcing the recipients.

Contact Information

Jenna Olson-Gebbie

Executive Director SWW AIA
